I have been racking my brain on trying to finish this homework.
I am getting an error right where I start my FOR loop. (subscript requires array or pointer type)

I don't know what I am doing wrong, I modified a working code and added my code to it, but I can't compile it. Anyone please help!!


   struct felix 
   int empno; 
   float wages; 
   felix record; 
   int i; 
   FILE *main_file; 
   main_file = fopen("master_f", "wb"); 
   fprintf(stdout, "Enter employee numbers and wages: \n"); 
   fprintf(stdout, "When done, enter a zero twice \n"); 
   fscanf(stdin, " %s %f", &record.empno, &record.wages);//Stdin is the file pointer 
   for(i = 0; record.empno[0] != '0'; ++i) 
      fprintf(main_file, " %s %f \n", record.empno, record.wages);//Write to the file 
      fscanf(stdin, " %s %f", &record.empno, &record.wages); 
   fclose(main_file);//This should be last pertaining to file open and close. 
   fprintf(stdout, "There were %d records entered\n", i); 