Hi everyone,

I apologized if this has been answered before, but I searched for a pretty darn long time and could find nothing.

Anyways, like the topic says, I was wondering if there was a way to program code for anti-aliasing. What I am doing is making an attitude indicator gauge for a flight simulator cockpit and I made the background bitmap with the degrees and the lines but when it rotates, the lines are so jagged it just looks like crap. Is there a way to program so the lines are even a little bit smoother? The bottom few lines I tried painting another extra pixel of light gray underneath and it seems to help...barely. Here is an image of what I mean:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v3...ou/dc10adi.jpg (The lines I am talking about are the small black ones on the light blue background) It's extremely worse once it's normal size, which needs to be used for the cockpit)

Thank you very much for any help! And just to clarify, it's not just anti-aliasing settings for gaming. I know how to do that. Just not with programming. Thanks again!