I have a 2012 MSVC++ MFC MDI application which uses a PropertiesWnd.cpp file. It is generated by the wizard when I create the MFC application and ask for it.

It is a class CPropertiesToolBar : public CMFCToolBar. It uses a CMFCPropertyGridProperty
control to display propertys info of whatever I choose to define.

My question is…
How do I access CMFCPropertyGridProperty inside PropertiesWnd.cpp correctly to set the values of the CMFCPropertyGridProperty from another class in another file in scope ?

Would I do something like this …
// in my header use
CMainFrame * pMainWnd;
pMainWnd = (CMainFrame *)AfxGetMainWnd();

//Then where I want to do something
CString * myString;
myString->Append("My New Data");

dwData = (DWORD_PTR)myString;

// I’m doing this from a utility class member, I must update the properties
// based on the mouse selections of the user

Or should I use some kind of message mapping ?

What is the best/correct way to do this ? I’ve looked everywhere and can’t find an example of updating the CMFCPropertyGridProperty from another class.
