Okay I have a two files here. A header file called types.hpp and main.cpp. Here is the contents of types.hpp:
header file that defines all the types used in the game

#include <allegro.h>
#pragma once

typedef BITMAP bmp;
typedef MIDI mid;
typedef DATAFILE dat;

//this is because i can't include the windows.h header because of the BITMAP
struct point{
    int x;
    int y;
The contents of main.cpp file are as follows:

main file for the program

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <list>
#include "types.hpp"
#include "sprites.h"

//bat class
class bat{
        point position;
        int lSide, rSide, middle, bbTop, bbLeft, bbRight, bbBottom;
        dat *temp;
        bmp *sprite;
        void setX(int x){position.x = x;}
        void setY(int y){position.y = y;}
        void incX(int inc){position.x += inc;}
        void incY(int inc){position.y += inc;}
        void decX(int dec){position.x -= dec;}
        void decY(int dec){position.y -= dec;}
        int getX(){return position.x;}
        int getY(){return position.y;}
        int getLSide(){return lSide;}
        int getRSide(){return rSide;}
        int getMiddle(){return middle;}
        int getBBTop(){return bbTop;}
        int getBBLeft(){return bbLeft;}
        int getBBRight(){return bbRight;}
        int getBBBottom(){return bbBottom;}
        bmp *getSprite(){return sprite;}

//ball class
class ball{
        point position;
        int lSide, rSide, middle, bbTop, bbLeft, bbRight, bbBottom;
        bmp *sprite;
        dat *temp;
        void setX(int x){position.x = x;}
        void setY(int y){position.y = y;}
        void incX(int inc){position.x += inc;}
        void incY(int inc){position.y += inc;}
        void decX(int dec){position.x -= dec;}
        void decY(int dec){position.y -= dec;}
        int getX(){return position.x;}
        int getY(){return position.y;}
        int getLSide(){return lSide;}
        int getRSide(){return rSide;}
        int getMiddle(){return middle;}
        int getBBTop(){return bbTop;}
        int getBBLeft(){return bbLeft;}
        int getBBRight(){return bbRight;}
        int getBBBottom(){return bbBottom;}
        bmp *getSprite(){return sprite;}

//brick class
class brick{
        point position;
        int lSide, rSide, middle, bbTop, bbLeft, bbRight, bbBottom, id;
        static int idCounter;
        void setX(int x){position.x = x;}
        void setY(int y){position.y = y;}
        void incIDCounter(){idCounter++;}
        int getX(){return position.x;}
        int getY(){return position.y;}
        int getLSide(){return lSide;}
        int getRSide(){return rSide;}
        int getMiddle(){return middle;}
        int getBBTop(){return bbTop;}
        int getBBLeft(){return bbLeft;}
        int getBBRight(){return bbRight;}
        int getBBBottom(){return bbBottom;}
        int getID(){return id;}

int main(){
    set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, 800, 600, 0, 0);
    //create the image back buffer
    bmp *imgBackBuffer = create_bitmap(800, 600);
        allegro_message("Error creating the image back buffer. Program terminating.");
    //create an isntance of the bat class
    bat playerBat;
    //main game loop
        //draw the bat sprite to the image back buffer
        draw_sprite(screen, playerBat.getSprite(), playerBat.getX(), playerBat.getY());
        //copy the contents of the image back buffer to the screen
        blit(imgBackBuffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H);
        //clear the contents of the image back buffer
    //destroy the bitmaps and unload datafiles

//bat class constructor
bat :: bat(){
    //load the datafile into memory so that the sprites can be used
    temp = load_datafile("spritesDat.dat");
    //load the bat sprite into the sprite private member
    sprite = static_cast<bmp*>(temp[batSprite].dat);
    //set the position of the bat
    position.x = 50;
    position.y = 50;
    //set the other attributes of the bat class
    //this allows for the appropriate information to be used
    lSide = 0;
    rSide = sprite->w;
    middle = sprite->w / 2;
    bbLeft = position.x;
    bbTop = position.y;
    bbRight = (bbLeft + sprite->w);
    bbBottom = (bbTop + sprite->h);
    //unload the datafile from memory

//bat class destructor
bat :: ~bat(){
    //destroy the sprites and set all vars to null
    position.x = 0;
    position.y = 0;
    lSide = 0;
    rSide = 0;
    middle = 0;
    bbLeft = 0;
    bbTop = 0;
    bbRight = 0;
    bbBottom = 0;

//ball class constructor
ball :: ball(){
    //use the bat constructor for a template

//ball class destructor
ball :: ~ball(){
    //use the bat destructor for a template

//brick class constructor
brick :: brick(){}

//brick class destructor
brick :: ~brick(){}
The main problem isn't that the program compiles. The problem is that the bat sprite doesn't appear on the screen. Can someone help me with this?