Well I don't really agree with that at all. I didn't ask how to program, or how to write a 3D engine.

I didn't ask how the physics are done. I simply asked for rough outlines, not how to write it. I'm sure the answers are long and involved. All I was after was a very basic overview. Such as "the world has x,y,z coordinates, and so does your player... when you move your x,y,z, the world around you updates with the new coordinates."

I have no clue if that is even right, I just made it up. The deal is, an answer like THAT isn't hard at all. I think perhaps you feel like I want extreme detail. I said all I was after was an overview, not a full book.

Perhaps I should not have asked for even an overview. At this point I will look elsewhere.

Nowhere in my message did I ask *how* to write it.