I am just starting C++ so i do not know very much how ever i hope to acomplish a fairly simple program to learn more about C++. Here is the problem:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char charName[21];
    char race[6];
     cout << "BLAH";
   //Character Information
   cout << "Enter a Name:\n" ;
   cout << "Good Morrow, "  << charName << '\n';
   cout << "Race: \n";
   cin >> race;
   while(strcmp(race, "human")!=0)
        cout << "YOU FAIL! \n...Race: \n";       
   cout << "Name:  " <<  charName <<  "\n" << "Race:  "  <<  race << "\n";
       return EXIT_SUCCESS;
The While loop works for just "human", i would like it to work for "human" and "elf". I have tried to use the ( || ) but i could not get it to work. If you have any idea what i am doing wrong, what i have to do to make it work, or anything to improve anything else please reply. Thank you