Greeting again. I have a homework assigment that I worked on a long time ago and now I need to add something. I need to add in a cycle counter... More or less a counter that counts the number of cycles this radix sort takes. Can anyone give me a habd I really don't know where to add the counters. Thanks

#include "stdafx.h"

// Based off orginal LabShell.cpp
// Which defined the entry point for the console application.

#define _TCHAR char

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <vector>
//#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
void genData(int *, int);
int radixSort(int *, int);
long count = 0;

void genData(long *dta, int n) 
{// generates social security numbers that do not contain zeroes
#define limit 1000000 // make this number whatever you want - we are just looking at a sample of the data to make sure it is correct 

	ofstream f;// open a file to write a sample of the output
	if(n < limit)
	{"data.txt", ios::out);
			cout << "SSN sample file did not open" << endl;
	for(int i=0; i < n; i++)// generate the social security numbers at random
		dta[i] =  rand()%889 + 111 + 1000*(rand()%889 + 111) + 1000000*(rand()%889 + 111);
		if(dta[i] > 999999999) dta[i] = dta[i] % 1000000000;
		if(n < limit)f << i<< " " << dta[i] << endl;// write them out if in the sample you selected
	if(f.is_open())f.close();// if the file is open, close it

void sort(long*, long*, long);
long* radixSort(long *dta, int n)
	long* dest = new long[n];
	sort(dta, dest, n);

	return dest; // this is a dummy routine - you need to write your own that sorts the data and counts the operations	

void print_data(const char* title, long* data, int count)
	cout << "--------" << title << "--------" << endl;
	for(int i=0; i<count; ++i)
		cout << data[i] << endl;

//      main program to run the radix sort graphing 
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	long *data;// pointer to where SSNs will be stored
	int N=2;// initial size of the SSN data set.

	ofstream f;"output.csv", ios::out);// open the output excel file
	if(f.is_open())// if it opened, proceed, else issue error and quit
		for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
		{// generate 15 sets of data the first of size 2, the next of size 4, until you get to 32768 (2 ^ 15)
			data = new long [N];// allocate memory to hold the data generated by genData
			if(data != NULL) // did we get the memory we requested?
				genData(data, N);// generate the SSNs and out them in the array
				print_data("unsorted", data, N);
				long* dest = radixSort(data, N); // sort the data and count the operations	
				print_data("sorted", dest, N);
				cout << "------\n";
				f << N << "," << N << endl;// write the data pairs to the excel file for later graphing
				cout << N << "," << N << endl;// write the data pairs to the screen also 
				N = 2 * N;// double the data size for the next pass
				delete [] data;// free the data array because it will be reallocated next time
			{// did not get the memory we asked for, issue error message and exit
				cout  << "Out of memory" << endl;
				system("pause");// wait for user to see the message
		f.close();// close the file
	{// file did not open, so alert user and exit
		cout << "csv output file did not open" << endl;
	return 0;

// the first parameter is the radix which is used to collect the numbers
// the second one is the number of data elements
// in is the array of data
// out is the result
void radix(int byte, long N, long *in, long* out)
	//create buckets
	vector<long> bucket[1000];

	/*for(int x =0; x < 999; x++)
		bucket[x][0] = 0;
		for(int y = 0; y < 100; y++)
		//memset (bucket, 0, sizeof (bucket[x]));
	//loop through the whole input set
	for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
		if(in[i] < 0)
			in[i] = in[i] * -1;
		long temp = 0;
		case 0:
			temp = in[i] % 1000;
		case 1:
			temp = in[i] / 1000;
			temp = temp % 1000;
		case 2:
			temp = in[i] / 1000000;

		//temp is now the index number for the bucket

		//we need to find an empty place in the bucket 
		//int t = 0;
		//while(bucket[temp]. != 0)
			//cout << "temp= " << temp << "in= "<< in[i] << "I= " << i << "Bucket = " << bucket[temp][t] << endl;
		//place number in bucket

	//get numbers from buckets, put in array
	//currentI is the position on the out array
	int currentI = 0;
	for(i = 0; i< 1000; i++)
		//t is the position in the bucket
		int t = 0;
		if(bucket[i].size() > 0)
			for(int x = 0; bucket[i].size() > x ; x++)
				out[currentI] = bucket[i].at(x);
				//assert(currentI > (N + 1));
				//cout << currentI;
	if(currentI != N) cout << " N = " << N << "  CurrentI = " << currentI << endl; 


void sort(long *in, long *out, long count)
	long *tmp = out;
	out = new long [count];
	// collect radices for each byte
	radix(0, count, in, out);

	in = out;
	// create a new output list
	out = new long [count];
	//pass 2
	radix(1, count, in, out);

	in = out;
	// use output list from calling function
	out = tmp;

	//pass 3
	radix(2, count, in, out);


/*int main()
	return _tmain(0, NULL);