Therefore, it must be 36^#of spaces I believe.
Well that parts done...

Now about the auto clicking/typing/deleating.

Ok, so what I am trying to do is:

Create a program which finds out all the possible combinations for the entered number of spaces. Then I want to make it so you can specify an x,y coordinate for the mouse to click, what it types in, and what it deleates. Once that is set up, you enter the time it takes between the click to the time of the next typing (to explain that I want it to type in something, then click at a spot, then deleate what it was typing, and then type another thing, and repeat). Then, the program clicks on the designated places, and types in all of the possible combinations (see beginning) one by one. The program should also have a pause and resume button, so you can pause it whenever you wish (possibly even save your process).

I believe that that should be doable. If you do not understand something fully, feel free to ask.