I have one major Mah-Jorrr problemo I'm facing, and I'm using this thread to only solve this as it's important.

Here is something I had already wrote. Try #2 is below this. (same thing, said different, though it sucks & isn't same thing).
As each image is recorded and saved, I didn't have access to their names in the code beforehand, so how are they(each image frame) or all millions of 0s&1s going to be sent to a IF-Function and check if matches the special-image!? Plus I need a Function to get some of the image's 0s&1s and send em to motors.

Try #2.
I need each saved image to be sent to a function and to motors and to other functions to ex. link senses. How do I code such, when, I have no images in my code until it's running in which I can't touch it then plllus the code probably doesn't receive them lol. Maybe my a ARDUINO will label MAT as each new image and so I will fill in the variables mats are processed here ect? I'm lost, ..........