ok so i am 15 years old. My dad was a C++ programmer but it dosent help he quit and dosent remember a thing. I really want to get into C++ and make games with it on the side as a hobby. There were a couple of questions i have for the ones who are almost already know the language since its impossible to know it all.

1. How long does it take to "learn" the language. as in a you have enough experiense for a company to hire you.

2. when learning it is it half in half with hard and fun. I really liked it starting off with using cout and cin but looking ahead at what i have to learn as in memorizeing symbols phrases and librarys. is there fun in it? i would like to do something i enjoy when i grow up

3. when you were 15 were where u at in programming. i just made an average calculator.

4. What books would be good for learning the language im looking into the books of the guy that made the language since that makes sense but if you know any noob friendly books out there please say them.

thank you