Quote Originally Posted by Sharke View Post
I would heartily recommend learning Python first. It doesn't take very long and is excellent as a first programming language because it teaches you the wider concepts of programming and structure without the level of detail and responsibility that comes with C/C++.

An excellent book to use is "Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science" by John Zelle. It's not so much a Python book as an intro CS book which happens to use Python. After this, the Riley books (Learning Python etc) are great.

After learning Python I went onto C and now I'm learning C++, I don't regret learning C before C++ at all and I'm glad I did. I really enjoy both languages and am happily switching my studies between them both now.
Thanks for the book recommendations. I'm definitely going to learn Python properly and deeply, it looks like a very good language to know.

I greatly appreciate all of your help. Thank you all!