I have created the following code and I need some guidance on how to correct my error. The code is as follows:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

const int MAX_BOOKS = 2000;
const int MAX_USERS = 500;

struct User
    string userID;
    string name;
    string houseNo;
    string address;
    string noOfLoans;

struct Book
    string bookID;
    string title;
    string authorSurname;
    string authorFirstname;
    string category;
    string location;
    string onLoan;

enum  bookCategory 
    Adventure = 'A', 
    Detective = 'D', 
    SciFi = 'S', 
    Romance = 'R'

int findBookAuthor(Book[], string, int);

int main()                                         

    ifstream bookDataFile;
    ifstream userDataFile;
    Book books[MAX_BOOKS];
    User users[MAX_USERS];
    int noOfBooks = 0;
    int noOfUsers = 0;

while(!bookDataFile.eof() && noOfBooks < MAX_BOOKS) 
        getline(bookDataFile, books[noOfBooks].authorSurname);
        getline(bookDataFile, books[noOfBooks].authorFirstname);
        getline(bookDataFile, books[noOfBooks].title); 
        getline(bookDataFile, books[noOfBooks].category);
        getline(bookDataFile, books[noOfBooks].bookID);
        if (! bookDataFile.eof())      


    string author;
    int bookID;
    int option;
        cout << "1. Loan Book" << endl;
        cout << "2. Find Book By Author" << endl;
        cin >> option;
            case 1:
                cout << "Under Construction" << endl;

            case 2:
                cout << "Enter Author Name: ";
                cin >> author;
                bookID = findBookAuthor(books, author, noOfBooks);
    return 0;

int findBookAuthor(Book books[], string author, int noOfBooks)
    for(int bookNo = 0; bookNo < noOfBooks; bookNo++)
        if(books[bookNo].authorSurname == author)
            cout << "--------------------------------------------------" << endl;
            cout << "BookID: " << books[bookNo].bookID << endl;
            cout << "Title: " << books[bookNo].title << endl;
            cout << "Author: " << books[bookNo].authorSurname << "," << books[bookNo].authorFirstname<< endl;
            cout << "Category: " << books[bookNo].category << endl;
            cout << "Location: " << books[bookNo].location << endl;
            cout << "onLoan: " << books[bookNo].onLoan << endl;
            cout << "--------------------------------------------------" << endl << endl;        
    return -1;

int findUser(User users[], string userName, int noOfUsers)                 
    for(int userID = 0; userID < noOfUsers; userID++)
        if(users[userName].name == users)                                                                 
            cout << "--------------------------------------------------" << endl;
            cout << "UserID: " << users[userID].userID << endl;
            cout << "Name: " << users[userID].name << endl;
            cout << "House No: " << users[userID].houseNo << endl;
            cout << "Address: " << users[userID].address << endl;
            cout << "No of Loans: " << users[userID].noOfLoans << endl;
            cout << "--------------------------------------------------" << endl << endl;  

    return -1;
The error I am getting is around this area:

for(int userID = 0; userID < noOfUsers; userID++)
        if(users[userName].name == users)                                                                 
            cout << "--------------------------------------------------" << endl;
            cout << "UserID: " << users[userID].userID << endl;
            cout << "Name: " << users[userID].name << endl;
            cout << "House No: " << users[userID].houseNo << endl;
            cout << "Address: " << users[userID].address << endl;
            cout << "No of Loans: " << users[userID].noOfLoans << endl;
            cout << "--------------------------------------------------" << endl << endl;  

    return -1;
And the error message I am receiving is:

In function `int findUser(User *, basic_string<char,string_char_traits<char>,__default_alloc_template<false,0> >, int)':
library.cc:114: no match for `User *&[string &]'
Can someone please guide me on how to fix this problem, thanks in advance.