Thread: Code Review for upcoming contest

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    Tropical Coder Darryl's Avatar
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    Cayman Islands

    Code Review for upcoming contest

    Ok on the suggestion of Blackroot I am doing a Risk contest. I have everything completed, but before I post I wanted to get some feedback first on the player_interface. Basically, I want to make sure there aren't any other member functions you need to be able to easily create an AI for it? Other suggestion are fine as well.

    #include "helpers.h"
    #include "player.h"
    class PlayerInterface
    	friend class Player;
    	//virtual methods must be overidden
    	virtual std::string getName()const =0;
    	// This is used by the framework to get the preferred name
    	// for your AI player.  You should return a string container the name of your player.
    	// If you duplicate an existing name extra letters will be tacked onto your name
    	// to make it unique.
    	virtual void init()=0;
    	// This method is call after all players have been added and the 
    	// players have been "shuffled" to start choosing countries.
    	// please note that the play order changes again, after all initial
    	// armies are place before play begin.
    	// You can use it for whatever initialization your player needs to do that can't
    	// be done in the constructor
    	virtual std::string chooseCountry()=0;
    	// This method is called when there are unclaimed countries available to claim
    	// You should return a string containing the name of the unclaimed country you wish
    	// claim.  If you return an invalid name (spelling/case or already claimed) one will
    	// be chosen for you at random.  For comparison purposes, it's recommend you use the 
    	// country names as defined in helpers.h.  There are several arrays, enums etc at your
    	// disposable.
    	virtual std::string placeArmy ()=0;
    	// This function is called in 2 circumstances
    	// 1st at the beginning after all countries have been claimed
    	// this function is called to place your remaining armies on 
    	// countries you own
    	// 2nd This function is called at the beginning of your turn when you have new armies
    	// to place.
    	// Again, you should return a string containing the name of the country you wish to place the army
    	// One army is placed at a time.  Invalid names will result in an army being randomly placed in 
    	// a country you control
    	virtual std::vector<const Card> redeemCards()=0;
    	// This method is called if you are in possesion of cards that can be redeemed
    	// (Either a matched set - 3 like card, or an unmatched set - 3 unlike cards, or
    	// 2 cards and a wild card.  If you wish to redeem your set, return a std::vector<const Card>
    	// to the framework with the 3 cards from your hand you wish to redeem.  You are not 
    	// required to redeem your cards unless you have 5 or more cards.  If you do not wish to redeem
    	// just return an empty vector.
    	// If you return an invalid set, and you hold less than 5 cards, no action will be taken.
    	// If you hold 5 or more cards, a valid set will be chosen for you.  
    	// Also not that the order the cards are entered into the vector is important:
    	// If the country on the card matches a country you control, you receive a bonus of 2 armies
    	// on that country (They will be placed automatically).  You can only receive 1 bonus of 2
    	// armies per trade-in.  Therefore, if more than one of your cards have countries that
    	// you control and you want the 2 armies to go on a particular country
    	// put that country first into your vector.
    	virtual Action getAction()=0;
    	// This method gets your actions for your turn.  There is no set turn length as long
    	// as you have armies to attack with.  Therefore you determine most of the time when
    	// your turn is over by submitting the apporpriate action.  (See helpers.h for actions)
    	// Basically you complete an action struct with your action and submit it to the framework.
    	// If you submit an invalid action, it will be treated as an end of turn without fortification.
    	virtual int defendCountry(Action A)=0;
    	// When your are on the defending end of an attack, you have the choice 
    	// of defending with 1 or 2 armies (1 or 2 dice)  return your choice here.
    	// If you return a number greater than 2, or if you only have 1 army in the country
    	// and return 2 then 1 will be used.
    	virtual int captureCountry(Action A)=0;
    	// If you defeat all the armies in a country you must now claim that country
    	// by moving armies into it from the attacking country
    	// you must move minimum the same number that you attacked with and maximum 1 less
    	// than the number of armies you have in the attacking country.
    	// return the number you wish to move.  An invalid number results in the minimum move.
    	virtual void notify(Action A)=0;
    	// After every action a notification is went to all of the players
    	// showing the results.  Invalid submissions will have been corrected
    	// so that the actual results are shown here.
    	// This is information only, use as you see fit.
    	//non-virtual must NOT!!! be overidden
    	std::vector<std::string> getCountriesByPlayer(std::string owner_name);
    	// return a vector of the names of the countries controlled
    	// by owner_name
    	std::vector<std::string> getAdjacent(std::string country_name);
    	// returns a vector of the names of the countries touching/adjacent to country_name
    	// useful for deciding attacks/fortifications etc.
    	std::string me();
    	// Since the framework may change your player name to guarantee uniqueness
    	// use this function if you need to submit a function with your players name. 
    	// ex: std::vector<std::string> myCountries = getCountriesByPlayer(me());
    	size_t getArmyCount(std::string country_name);
    	// returns the number of Armies in country_name
    	std::string getOwner(std::string country_name);
    	// returns the owner of countr_name
    	std::vector<std::string> getPlayers();
    	// return a vector of the names of the player and their current order
    	// orders is set twice, once before countries are chosen
    	// and once before play begins
    	Player* mpPlayer;
    	// this is no concern to you and you should not try to use this, but since it's here
    	// This is a pointer to the real player class where most of the player info is stored
    	// The Player class also acts as a go between for the player_interface (this class)
    	// and the main game class.  It handles all the validations so the game class only
    	// gets good inputs and doesn't have to do a lot of error checking
    and helpers.h
    #ifndef HELPERS_H
    #define HELPERS_H
    #include <string>
    const std::string CONTINENTS[] = {"North America","Europe","Asia","Africa","Australia","South America"};
    const std::string COUNTRY_NAMES[] = {"Alaska","Alberta","Central America","Eastern United States","Greenland","Northwest Territory","Ontario","Quebec","Western United States",
    									"Great Britain","Iceland","Northern Europe","Scandinavia","Southern Europe","Ukraine","Western Europe",
    									"Afghanistan","China","India","Irkutsk","Japan","Kamchatka","Middle East","Mongolia","Siam","Siberia","Ural","Yakutsk",
    									"Congo","East Africa","Egypt","Madagascar","North Africa","South Africa",
    									"Eastern Australia","Indonesia","New Guinea","Western Australia",
    	Alaska,	Alberta, Central_America, Eastern_United_States, Greenland, Northwest_Territory, Ontario, Quebec, Western_United_States,	
    	Great_Britain, Iceland, Northern_Europe, Scandinavia, Southern_Europe, Ukraine, Western_Europe,	
    	Afghanistan, China, India, Irkutsk, Japan, Kamchatka, Middle_East, Mongolia, Siam, Siberia, Ural, Yakutsk,	
    	Congo, East_Africa, Egypt, Madagascar, North_Africa, South_Africa,
    	Eastern_Australia, Indonesia, New_Guinea, Western_Australia,	
    	Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, Wild, Bad_Index
    const COUNTRY_INDEX NORTH_AMERICA[] =	{Alaska, Alberta, Central_America, Eastern_United_States, Greenland, Northwest_Territory, Ontario, Quebec, Western_United_States};
    const COUNTRY_INDEX EUROPE[] =			{Great_Britain, Iceland, Northern_Europe, Scandinavia, Southern_Europe, Ukraine, Western_Europe};
    const COUNTRY_INDEX ASIA[] =			{Afghanistan, China, India, Irkutsk, Japan, Kamchatka, Middle_East, Mongolia, Siam, Siberia, Ural, Yakutsk};
    const COUNTRY_INDEX AFRICA[] =			{Congo, East_Africa, Egypt, Madagascar, North_Africa, South_Africa};
    const COUNTRY_INDEX AUSTRALIA[] =		{Eastern_Australia, Indonesia, New_Guinea, Western_Australia};
    const COUNTRY_INDEX SOUTH_AMERICA[] =	{Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Venezuela};
    const size_t NORTH_AMERICA_SIZE =	9;
    const size_t NORTH_AMERICA_AWARD =	5;
    const size_t EUROPE_SIZE =			7;
    const size_t EUROPE_AWARD =			5;
    const size_t ASIA_SIZE =			12;
    const size_t ASIA_AWARD =			7;
    const size_t AFRICA_SIZE =			6;	
    const size_t AFRICA_AWARD =			3;	
    const size_t AUSTRALIA_SIZE =		4;	
    const size_t AUSTRALIA_AWARD =		2;	
    const size_t SOUTH_AMERICA_SIZE =	4;
    const size_t SOUTH_AMERICA_AWARD =	2;
    const size_t COUNTRIES_SIZE =		42;
    struct Action
    	// ATTACK	- attack ToCountry from FromCountry wint n number of armers. n = Armies with value of 1, 2 or 3
    	// FORTIFY	- move n armies from FromCountry to ToCountry and ends turn.
    	//			n = Armies with value 1 to AllInCountry-1
    	// ENDTURN	- ends turn without fortifying position. Other values are ignored.
    	ACTION action;// one of three above
    	std::string FromCountry;
    	std::string ToCountry;
    	unsigned Armies; //1, 2 or 3 for attack, n-1 for fortify with n being number of armies
    					// in FromCountry
    	//RESULTS (to be filled in by framework, not player)
    	int AttackerLosses;
    	int DefenderLosses;
    	bool CountryCaptured;
    	std::string PlayerName;
    	std::string FromPlayerName;
    	std::string ToPlayerName;
    struct Card
    	Card(CARD_TYPE t, COUNTRY_INDEX c):type(t),country(c){}
    	bool operator==(const Card& card)const{return this->type == card.type;}
    	bool operator!=(const Card& card)const{return !((*this) == card);}
    	bool operator< (const Card& card)const{return (int)type < (int)card.type;}
    	CARD_TYPE type;
    	COUNTRY_INDEX country;
    COUNTRY_INDEX getCountryIndex(std::string Name);
    //...removed for posting purposes... not relavent anyway
    bool isAdjacent(std::string c1, std::string c2);
    Last edited by Darryl; 02-27-2006 at 09:34 AM.

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