
I've been perusing the board here for a couple weeks, and have found it to be a great resource in learning C and C#. However, I can't find any answer to my current problem, which is part of a college homework assignment.

Here's my code so far:
 *  CIS 15AG AM - Lab VII
 * A program to help a business keep
 * statistics of its employee salaries
 * for one year.
 * Author: Michael Baird
 * Begin date: Nov 28, 2005
 * Last modified: Dec 4, 2005

#include <stdio.h>

char PromptUser();
int CountEmployees();
void HighestAnnualSalary();

int main()
    char choice;

        choice = PromptUser();

        switch( tolower( choice ) )
            case 'c':
                    printf( "There are entries for %d employees.\n\n", CountEmployees() );
                } break;
            case 'h':
                } break;
    } while( tolower( choice ) != 'q' );//(choice = tolower( PromptUser() )) != 'q' );

    system( "PAUSE" );
    return 0;

char PromptUser()
    char res;

    printf( "Choose an option from the following menu:\n" );
    printf( "\tc: calculate total employees\n" );
    printf( "\th: report highest annual salary\n" );
    printf( "\ta: calculate average monthly salary\n" );
    printf( "\tf: format the report to output file\n" );
    printf( "\tq: quit this application\n\n" );

    printf( "Enter your choice: " );
    scanf( " %c", &res );

    return res;

int CountEmployees()
    FILE * input;
    int count = 0;
    char holder;

    if( (input = fopen( "lab7_input.txt", "r" )) == NULL )
        printf( "Error opening input file.\n" );
        return 1;

    while( (fscanf( input, "%c", &holder ) != EOF) )
        if( holder == '\n' )

    fclose( input );
    return count;

void HighestAnnualSalary()

I'm stuck at calculating the highest annual salaray. It's supposed to read from an input file without using strings, structs, or arrays. Here's an excerpt from the input file:
1234,12,1200 2050 3010 4000 5560 6005 6780 5340 4000.50 3040 2005 1100
The first int is the employee ID, and the second is the number of months the employee worked (the application is a business salary tracker). All the other numbers can be floats (but aren't in this example) and represent the amount earned in that month. So for example, January is at 1200, February at 2050, and December at 1100. I can't figure out how to pull those twelve floats out and do calculations without calculating the ID and the months worked as well.

If I need to clarify anything, please let me know.