i have this create_new function that seems to be right to me but i dont know how to test it. How would i call the function?

personal create_new()
	personal temp;
  printf("\nFist Name: ");
  fgets(temp.F_name, sizeof temp.F_name, stdin);
  printf("\nLast Name: ");
  fgets(temp.L_name, sizeof temp.L_name, stdin);
  printf("\nSalary: ");
  scanf("%d", &temp.salary);

  printf("\nMonth of birth: ");
  scanf("%d", &temp.birth.Birth_month);

  printf("\nDay of Birth: ");
  scanf("%d", &temp.birth.Birth_day);
  printf("\nYear of Birth: ");
  scanf("%d", &temp.birth.Birth_year);

  printf("\nAddress information...");
  printf("\nStreet name: ");
  fgets(temp.stuff.street, sizeof temp.stuff.street, stdin);

  printf("\nCity: ");
  fgets(temp.stuff.city, sizeof temp.stuff.city, stdin);

  printf("\nState: ");
  fgets(temp.stuff.state, sizeof temp.stuff.state, stdin);

  printf("\nZip Code: ");
  fgets(temp.stuff.zip, sizeof temp.stuff.zip, stdin);
  return (temp);
