I managed to resolve all my other errors but this set confounds me:
mingw32-make POE_BIT=64 -f makefile.mak
... Skipped messages about my variables ...
gcc -ggdb -D _BUILD -Wall -I "../lua64-53/include" -I "../iup64-3.25/include" -L "../lua64-53" -L "../iup64-3.25/Lua53" -L "../iup64-3.25"  -llua53 -liuplua53 -liup -D WIN64 -mwindows -mwin32 -municode -ggdb  -o src/main.c-d.o -c src/main.c
gcc -ggdb -Wall -I "../lua64-53/include" -I "../iup64-3.25/include" -L "../lua64-53" -L "../iup64-3.25/Lua53" -L "../iup64-3.25"  -llua53 -liuplua53 -liup -D WIN64 -mwindows -mwin32 -municode -o d-idlejp64.exe src/main.c-d.o src/mem.c-d.o
src/main.c-d.o: In function `run':
... This part is what I can't understand why I'm getting them despite including the libraries ...
O:\Data\C_Playground\idlejp/src/main.c:18: undefined reference to `luaL_newstate'
O:\Data\C_Playground\idlejp/src/main.c:19: undefined reference to `luaL_openlibs'
O:\Data\C_Playground\idlejp/src/main.c:20: undefined reference to `iuplua_open'
O:\Data\C_Playground\idlejp/src/main.c:21: undefined reference to `luaL_loadfilex'
O:\Data\C_Playground\idlejp/src/main.c:23: undefined reference to `lua_pcallk'
O:\Data\C_Playground\idlejp/src/main.c:25: undefined reference to `lua_close'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
mingw32-make: *** [prj.mak:66: debug_PRJ] Error 1
Compilation failed.