Thread: Command line arguements (codeblocks)

  1. #1
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    Command line arguements (codeblocks)

    im trying to read in a txt file to populate a list in CodeBlocks by entering an arguement before hand. Can anyone describe how to do this ?
    Last edited by Chucker; 04-09-2012 at 03:44 PM.

  2. #2
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  3. #3
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    yea, maybe i just like talking to somebody about instead! haha. eh but srsly im lookin at yahoo answers and the like and i keep getting ambiguous answers. ive never done it before. if you know like a step by step for a full retard hollaaah. Here is the code im trying to do it for.

    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
        char name[20];
        struct artist *ptr;
        char lineBuffer[LINEBUFFERSIZE];
        artistNodePtr startPtr = NULL; /* initially the artist list is empty */
        FILE *musicFile;
        char *artistTemp, *discTemp, *yearTemp, *trackTemp, *songTemp;
        int year, track, menu = 1;
        artistNodePtr theArtist;
        discNodePtr theDisc;
        if (argc==1)
            printf(" Must supply a file name as command line argument/n");
            return 0;
        if ((musicFile = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL)
            printf ("Error opening music file.  Program terminated/n");
            return 0;
        getNextLine(lineBuffer, LINEBUFFERSIZE, musicFile);
        while (!feof(musicFile))
            artistTemp = strtok(lineBuffer,";");
            if (artistTemp == NULL)
                printf("Error parsing input file; Program is terminated\n");
                return 0;
            discTemp = strtok(NULL ,";");
            if (discTemp == NULL)
                printf("Error parsing input file; Program is terminated\n");
                return 0;
            yearTemp  = strtok(NULL ,";");
            if (yearTemp == NULL)
                printf("Error parsing input file; Program is terminated\n");
                return 0;
            trackTemp = strtok(NULL ,";");
            if (trackTemp == NULL)
                printf("Error parsing input file; Program is terminated\n");
                return 0;
            songTemp = strtok(NULL ,"\n");
            if (songTemp == NULL)
                printf("Error parsing input file; Program is terminated\n");
                return 0;
            year = atoi(yearTemp);
            track = atoi(trackTemp);
            theArtist = findOrInsertArtist(artistTemp);
            theDisc = findOrInsertDisc(&(theArtist->disc_p), discTemp, year);
            findOrInsertSong(&(theDisc->song_p), songTemp, track);
            getNextLine(lineBuffer, LINEBUFFERSIZE, musicFile);
        }  /* end of while loop */
    Last edited by Chucker; 04-09-2012 at 04:18 PM.

  4. #4
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    So are you just flat out refusing to help yourself, or did you actually check the Google search link provided and run into trouble?

  5. #5
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    nothing was applicable. i go to project->set arguements. it doesnt even give me a box to type in, nothing happens. go to cmdpromt they say. type jibberish that doesnt even apply to txt files they say. i need customized help, im sure codeblocks has some simple method, but ill go back to sifting thru yahoo answers haha. lemme know if u know

  6. #6
    Lurking whiteflags's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chucker View Post
    nothing was applicable. i go to project->set arguements. it doesnt even give me a box to type in, nothing happens.
    Provide a screen shot of what that looks like and I can probably tell you where to type.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chucker
    go to cmdpromt they say. type jibberish that doesnt even apply to txt files they say. i need customized help, im sure codeblocks has some simple method, but ill go back to sifting thru yahoo answers haha. lemme know if u know
    Running outside of the IDE is certainly possible as well. The IDE controls a separate windows program called command prompt. You can always just use command prompt yourself. But you will miss the features of the IDE if you are still making the program.

  7. #7
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    turns out because i did not have my C file within a project I could not do the arguements, so i fixed that and now I can enter arguements, but Im not sure if i successfully did it or not. All I typed in arguemnnts was HW4Data.txt, compiled, ran and then my computer froze for a sec and then stopped responding, but hey at least it didnt say error accessing file. Would yall say we have an infinite loop on our hand? Or am I missing some proper syntax in the arguement line and that is causing the lock up?
    Last edited by Chucker; 04-09-2012 at 05:30 PM.

  8. #8
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    Hard to say without the whole thing.

  9. #9
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    do i need to free(malloc or what have you, because i did not do that

    and i just threw comment tags on the incomplete functions

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #define LINEBUFFERSIZE 256
    /* Definitions for data structure nodes (artist, disc, track)  */
    struct song
        char *songName_p;
        int trackNumber;
        struct song *nextSong_p;
    struct disc
        char *discName_p;
        int year;
        struct song *song_p;
        struct disc *nextDisc_p;
    struct artist
        char name[20];
        char *artistName_p;
        struct disc *disc_p;
        struct artist *nextArtist_p;
    struct artist *end = (struct artist *) NULL;   //NEW
    struct artist *startPtr = (struct artist *) NULL; //NEW
    struct artist *find(struct artist *, char * );//NEW
    struct artist *initializenode(char *);//NEW
    typedef struct artist artist_t;
    typedef struct disc disc_t;
    typedef struct song song_t;
    typedef struct artist *artistNodePtr;
    typedef struct disc *discNodePtr;
    typedef struct song *songNodePtr;
    /* function  prototypes */
    void InsertArtist(struct artist *New);
    artistNodePtr findOrInsertArtist(char *);
    discNodePtr  findOrInsertDisc(discNodePtr *sPtr, char *discID, int releaseYear);
    void  findOrInsertSong(songNodePtr *sPtr, char *songID, int trackID);
    void getNextLine(char buffer[], int bufferSize, FILE *fptr);
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
        char name[20];
        struct artist *ptr;
        char lineBuffer[LINEBUFFERSIZE];
        artistNodePtr startPtr = NULL; /* initially the artist list is empty */
        FILE *musicFile;
        char *artistTemp, *discTemp, *yearTemp, *trackTemp, *songTemp;
        int year, track, menu = 1;
        artistNodePtr theArtist;
        discNodePtr theDisc;
        if (argc==1)
            printf(" Must supply a file name as command line argument/n");
            return 0;
        if ((musicFile = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL)
            printf ("Error opening music file.  Program terminated/n");
            return 0;
        getNextLine(lineBuffer, LINEBUFFERSIZE, musicFile);
        while (!feof(musicFile))
            artistTemp = strtok(lineBuffer,";");
            if (artistTemp == NULL)
                printf("Error parsing input file; Program is terminated\n");
                return 0;
            discTemp = strtok(NULL ,";");
            if (discTemp == NULL)
                printf("Error parsing input file; Program is terminated\n");
                return 0;
            yearTemp  = strtok(NULL ,";");
            if (yearTemp == NULL)
                printf("Error parsing input file; Program is terminated\n");
                return 0;
            trackTemp = strtok(NULL ,";");
            if (trackTemp == NULL)
                printf("Error parsing input file; Program is terminated\n");
                return 0;
            songTemp = strtok(NULL ,"\n");
            if (songTemp == NULL)
                printf("Error parsing input file; Program is terminated\n");
                return 0;
            year = atoi(yearTemp);
            track = atoi(trackTemp);
            theArtist = findOrInsertArtist(artistTemp);
           // theDisc = findOrInsertDisc(&(theArtist->disc_p), discTemp, year);
           // findOrInsertSong(&(theDisc->song_p), songTemp, track);
            getNextLine(lineBuffer, LINEBUFFERSIZE, musicFile);
        }  /* end of while loop */
        while (menu != 0)
            printf("1 to display entire catalog \n");
            printf("2 to display alls songs by a given artist\n");
            printf("3 to display all songs on a given disc\n");
            printf("0 to exit the library\n ");
            scanf("%d", &menu);
            switch (menu)
            case 2: printf("enter an artist name");
                scanf("%s", name);
                ptr = find(startPtr, name);
                if (ptr==NULL)
                    ptr = initializenode(name);
        } /* end main */
    artistNodePtr findOrInsertArtist(char *name ) {
      artistNodePtr sPtr = NULL;
      sPtr = find(startPtr, name);
          sPtr = initializenode(name);
      return sPtr;
    struct artist *initializenode(char *name)
      artistNodePtr newNodePtr = (artistNodePtr)malloc(sizeof(artist_t));
      if (newNodePtr != NULL)
         newNodePtr->artistName_p = (char*)malloc((strlen(name)+1)*sizeof(char));
         if (newNodePtr->artistName_p != NULL)
            strcpy(newNodePtr->artistName_p, name);
            newNodePtr->nextArtist_p = NULL;
            newNodePtr->disc_p = NULL;
            return newNodePtr;
    void InsertArtist(struct artist *New)
    { //NEW
        struct artist *temp, *prev;
        if(startPtr == NULL)
            startPtr = New;
            end = New;
            startPtr->nextArtist_p = NULL;
        temp = startPtr;
        while(strcmp(temp->name, New->name) < 0)
            temp = temp->nextArtist_p;
            if(temp == NULL)
        if(temp == startPtr)
            New->nextArtist_p = startPtr;
            startPtr = New;
            prev = startPtr;
            while(prev->nextArtist_p != temp)
                prev = prev->nextArtist_p;
            prev->nextArtist_p = New;
            New-> nextArtist_p = temp;
            if(end == prev)
            end = New;
    struct artist *find(struct artist *Ptr, char *name)
    { //NEW
        while (strcmp(name, Ptr->name )!=0)
            Ptr = Ptr->nextArtist_p;
            if (Ptr == NULL)
        return Ptr;
    /*discNodePtr findOrInsertDisc( discNodePtr *sPtr, char *discID, int releaseYear)
    /*void findOrInsertSong(songNodePtr *sPtr, char *songID, int trackID)
    void getNextLine(char buffer[], int bufferSize, FILE *fptr)
        char temp;
        int i = 0;
        buffer[0] = fgetc(fptr);
        while ( (!feof(fptr)) && (buffer[i] != '\n') &&  i<(bufferSize-1))
            i = i +1;
        if ((i == (bufferSize-1)) && (buffer[i] != '\n'))
            temp = fgetc(fptr);
            while (temp != '\n')
                temp = fgetc(fptr);
        buffer[i] = '\0';
    Last edited by Chucker; 04-09-2012 at 05:38 PM.

  10. #10
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    you need to create a project to get that dialog. if you are just editing a c file without a project it won't let you set the arguments.

  11. #11
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    Obviously he did create a project otherwise it will throw an error if he just ran it.

  12. #12
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    Yea i mentioned i fixed that problem. everything is def there.. im pretty sure. to input the data file. Anyone know where to put the free( ?

  13. #13
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    tripleA, then why did Chucker answer that not having a project was his problem with the arguments?

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