I just get confused with exactly how to get what I want out of the function.

Okay so I have fixed up most of what I need, the only part I really don't get right now is how to use pointers properly here. I need to get the values for both max and offset from my function into main and print them in my printf statement. How do I do this?

This is my newer code:


int findLargest(double *array, int arrayLength);

int main()
 double nums[80];
 int pos;

   for (pos=0; pos<10; ++pos)
    printf("Enter in a number or EOF to quit: ");
    if(scanf("%lf", &nums[pos])<=0)

 double maximum = findLargest(nums, pos);
   	  printf("There is no maximum element.\n");
      printf("The maximum value is %lf at offset %d\n", maximum, pos); 

int findLargest(double *array, int arrayLength)
   if (arrayLength <= 0)
     return -1;
 int offset=0;
 int i;
 double max = array[0];
   for (i=0; i<arrayLength; ++i)
      if (max < array[i])
 return offset;