alright so the goal is to open a file scan in the lines and have the user edit various aspects of each section starting with lines similar to:

Ball David Tucson 52000
Doe Oscar Tucson Phoenix 12225.89
Miller Janet SanDiego 120000

in which a lastname, firstname, and city character array will be declared and utilized, along with a int digit array.

however as seen above the city section of each line can contain up to 3 cities, therefor an idea of a 3D array (EXAMPLE: cities[MAX][3][15]) came to mind, in which the MAX lines of txt will be scanned into 3 different sections with 15 characters a section, rather than a 2D array for the last and first names, etc.

trouble: running a two 'for' loops at the same time to scan one line of txt into both 2D arrays and 3D arrays...and if not all 3 cities are there, then skipping the remaining city entrys and scanning into the int array for the totals.

tanks in advance