Hi, I'm currently working on a program for school, however it isn't homework. It's just something I decided to do for the fun of it, and figured I could show it to my teacher. What I'm thinking is a program in which you enter a molecule (ie. NaCl) and it outputs

a) The electron configuration for each element. So for NaCl it would display
1s 2s 2p^3 = Na
1s 2s 2p 3s 3p^5 = Cl

b) The Molecular structure of the molecule. For Water it would show something like

    /   \
   H     H
Now, I'm not asking for someone to write out the program for me, just looking for some ideas of how exactly I could pull this off. I know for some of you it seems pretty simple, but I'm completely self taught and have only been writing C for about a year or so. So it's a pretty daunting task right now. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks .