I'm doing a grading report and I have trouble with my average function. This is what I have so far.

# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct GRADEREPORT
	int id;
	char name[30];
	double homework1;
	double homework2;
	double homework3;
	double exam;
	double final;

} Student;

int data(Student s[]);
double studentAverage(Student s[], int count);
double classAverage(Student s[], int count);
double homeworkAverage(Student s[], int count);
void output_Data(Student s[], int count,double aveHomework, double aveStu, double aveClass);

int main()
	int count;
	double aveHomework, aveStudent, aveClass;
	Student nam[30];

	count = data(nam);
	aveStudent = studentAverage(nam, count);
	aveClass = classAverage(nam, count);
	aveHomework = homeworkAverage(nam,count);

	output_Data(nam, count,aveHomework, aveStudent, aveClass);

	return 0;

int data(Student s[])
	int c, i = 0;
	FILE *infile;

	infile = fopen("p4.dat", "r");
	if (infile == NULL)
		printf("Problem opening file \"p4.dat\" \n");

	c = fscanf(infile, "%d %s %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &s[i].id, &s[i].name, &s[i].homework1, 
		&s[i].homework2,&s[i].homework3, &s[i].exam, &s[i].final);

	while (c != EOF)
		c = fscanf(infile, "%d %s %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &s[i].id, &s[i].name, &s[i].homework1, 
		&s[i].homework2,&s[i].homework3, &s[i].exam, &s[i].final);

	return i;
double homeworkAverage(Student s[], int count)
	double ave, sum = 0;
	int i,j;
	j= 0;

	for(i=0; i < count; i++)
		sum = sum + s[i].homework1 + s[i].homework2 + s[i].homework3;
		count = i+ 1;
		ave = (sum/100) * 100;

	return ave;

double studentAverage(Student s[], int count)
	double ave, sum = 0;
	int i;
	for (i=0; i < count; i++)
		sum = sum + s[i].homework1 + s[i].homework2 + s[i].homework3 + s[i].exam + s[i].final;
		count = i+ 1;
		ave = (sum/300) * 100;
	return ave;	

double classAverage(Student s[], int count)
	double ave, sum = 0;
	int i;

	for (i= 0; i < count; i++)
		sum = sum + s[i].homework1 + s[i].homework2 + s[i].homework3 + s[i].exam + s[i].final;
		count = i+ 1;
		ave = sum/count;

	return ave;

void output_Data(Student s[], int count, double aveHomework, double aveStu, double aveClass)
	int i = 0;
	double average,homeworkAverage;

	FILE *outfile;

	outfile = fopen("StudentReport.txt", "w");
	if (outfile == NULL)
		printf("Problem opening file \"StudentReport.txt\" \n");

	fprintf(outfile,"                         CSCI 110 Grade Report\n\n");
	fprintf(outfile, "ID:     Name                Homework  Exam      Final     Average Grade\n");
	while(i < count)
		average = aveStu;
		homeworkAverage = aveHomework;

		fprintf(outfile, "%d %-20s %6.1lf %9.1lf %9.1lf %9.1lf\n", s[i].id , s[i].name, homeworkAverage, s[i].exam , 
			s[i].final, average);
		i = i + 1;


At the moment it prints the first record of the file correctly if i'm not wrong, then it prints that same record repeatably for the remaining records. I was looking at my averageHomework function, the others have the same problem. And i'm not sure if i'm in the right path but i was thinking i need an array there, but then i have to return it and i'm not sure how to do that. So hopefully someone can give me some guidance on what approach I can use. Sorry for the messy code, I was trying different things so you might notice unused variables.