You can configure most editors to backspace up to, say, four spaces when you press backspace. That's what I do if possible.

Quote Originally Posted by zacs7 View Post
What's wrong with the current FAQ?
Several things. First and foremost, the names are absolutely stupid. If I want to link someone to the void main FAQ, I have to go to, search the page for "void", and copy the link. Wiki links are much better named. (I know you could bookmark them, but I'm frequently on computers that are not my own, different computers each time, and that would just be a waste of time.)

It's also lacking a few things that I type up every once in a while, like an explanation of p=realloc(p,...), sizeof without parentheses, passed arrays to functions degrading (sorry, Prelude) into pointers, Turbo C, timing with portable and platform-specific functions, how to figure out whether a function is ANSI standard or not, what to do on Linux when you get an error from leaving out -lm, etc, etc, etc. But, as you say:
I'm sure mods wouldn't have too much of a problem if you wrote something worth while of the current FAQ, and wasn't a waste of their time to add -- ie, stupid things like, "How to write Hello World by Elysia"
It's not like anyone reads the FAQ before posting anyway, why'd they bother to read a wiki?
I know no one reads it. They do read it (some of the time), however, when we link to it. And how do we remember links like this?

That's my view on having it a part of the site, but seeing as you want it seperate -- I'm all for it. Since it's your fantabulous idea you should be the mod
Right, I'm not the first person to suggest it. (Syntax highlighting, on the other hand . . . .)

Actually, I probably wouldn't be a good candidate for a mod. I'm not online frequently -- just a few hours straight every once in a while -- which is good for posting but not very good for moderating.

I'm just the head advocate! Right now at least.