Originally posted by doubleanti
personally i'm for globalism, without the sacrifice of diversity.

<cut a little bit>

i might think so, and i'd just about the only thing we can share is warmth and peace. without the sacrifice of diversity. [6 billion people strong].
I hear what your saying. I like the idea that we should all be able to get along without all the bickering and wars.

However, i dont like glbalisation. No one race has the perfect society. The Uk has football thugs, the US has Guns, China has always kept its self to itself (more or less) and the French have..... well, each other

Diversity is a good thing. It makes life interesting.... the different cultures, the many ways of doing things.....

I think the real problem (and i could be wrong in this) is Patriotism. We are all proud of our countries.... and think everyone else should be like us. We all have our histories.

We have this problem in europe at the moment..... personally, i like europe... many people dont. It eould be great to be more like the Aussies..... and just be chilled n groovey!