
Not much left to say
Confusion has overtaken my body
Today should be a lovely day with you
Instead I’m going to be here all alone with nobody
It really could be a lot different
But there appears to be nothing I can do to change it
My high spirit is down for now
For you and I have taken a real low

What was your real intent
Maybe this was all a waste of time
But I don’t believe that to be so
It may be at it’s end
But to see it end is better than to see it never to have started

Where are we to go from here
Should I try to steer clear of you
Like you have done to me many of times
My poem full of rhymes did little to sway you over to me
Maybe I need to let us be

A tragic it has to end over such a silly thought
Only if you knew that I am different
Tried to show through many ways
To no avail you looked at me and laughed
Thought nothing of what I had to say
Went on with yourself
And left me behind with no consideration of how I feel
It for sure will take time to heal

I guess now is the time I say good-bye
To let you and I perish
And to never look back at the girl I so dearly cherish
Farewell my lady love
