I just got a job using Delphi & Dataflex, with some VB CE coming up (big whoop, I know). Would help if I knew either one, but...
Anyway, as the new guy, I'm mostly doing maintenance & bug fixes. The programs are fairly long and composed of several exe's. Thousands of lines of code. There is very little commenting of the code, and some of that isn't much more than repeating the code itself.
It would be very useful if more germane comments were added. Just a line or two stating what the function is supposed to accomplish would be nice. I can see that x is being assigned to y, e.g, but those values may come from or be passed back to an entirely different module.
Maybe Prelude or other programmers with on the job experience could write about this more knowledgably. But right now I can spend hours just trying to trace what happens and why with a couple line code change.