Code comments:
   asm("push eax;"
       "push ebx;"
       "push ecx;"
       "push edx;"
       "mov eax, 0;"
       "mov [_CPUVendor], ebx;"
       "mov [_CPUVendor + 4], edx;"
       "mov [_CPUVendor + 8], ecx;"
       "mov [_CPUSignature], eax;");
No need to save registers. MS compiler figures out what registers you use and save them for you.

I personally would write a simple function that gets you a, b, c and d as DWORD's from CPUID function x, e.g something like this [syntax of storing a, b, c and d is possibly faulty]
void getcpuid(DWORD func, DWORD *a, DWORD *b, DWORD *c, DWORD *d)

  __asm("mov eax, func;"
       "mov b, ebx;"
       "mov d, edx;"
       "mov c, ecx;"
       "mov a, eax;");