I hope someone can help. I got FreeGLUT working w/ VC++, but I can't get GLEW to work. I put the GLEW headers into: C:\Program Files(x86)\Windows SDKs\V7.0A\Include\gl, I put the GLEW static libraries into C:\Program Files(x86)\Windows SDKs\V7.0A\Lib and glew32.dll into SystemWoW64 dir. When I try to build the source code, I get these messages:
e.g. error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__glewBindBuffer
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__glewBufferData

I found this link but I can't find the glew.dsw, there is a link to download glew. So I copied those glew/include to Windows SDKs\include\gl
glew - OpenGL: How to compile glew32.dll from source file - Stack Overflow