Can anyone pls help me? I'm now developing a GUI using MFC, and when I click a button, it will call this function OnAdd(). In OnAdd, it is suppose to run my application "clusters.exe" but it doesn't. Does anyone knows why?

void CDialog1Dlg::OnAdd() 
	// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
	CString strTitle ;
	int nIndex, minsup;
	double delta;
	char str_cmd[100];

	UpdateData(); 		// Transfer data from controls to variables

	//get currently selected text
	nIndex = GetDlgItemText(IDC_TITLE, strTitle);  //assigning selected 
	m_strFullName = strTitle + " " + m_strFirstName + " " + m_strLastName;
	minsup = atoi(m_strFirstName);
	delta = atof(m_strLastName);

	sprintf(str_cmd, "clusters.exe input.txt %d %d %f 2 1 result.txt", minsup, minsup, delta);
	printf("%s\n", str_cmd);
	UpdateData(FALSE); 	// Transfer data from variables to controls