i know how to make the simple controls like buttons and edits etc....

but how do i make..

progress bars how do i use them and how can i make them look like XP not windows 95, track bars how do i make and use them? i have no clue how to make and use a checked list box, how do i make a list view and a a tree view?, how do i make panels? how do i make tooltips, up down spinners, tabs, data grids, link labels and how to open the link in a webpage, Rich Text Boxes, image lists, splitters, Print Document, Page setup dialog, print review controls print preview dialogs and print dialog, font , color, and folder browser dialogs, and a context menu.

sorry for alll the requests, i dont expect answers for all of them, ive tried and tried again to look for tutorials on these. I know these controls from C# and cannot do them in C++, most of all, i dont know how to use them. Making them is one thing, gettingdata from them and using them is another. thanks in advance.

PS: Sorry for typos and grammer errors, i was in a rush. Also tutorials would be nice :P