there are a couple of ways to do this...

the 'dodgy' way
draw to a seperate DC and StretchBlt() to the screen.
The problem being that StretchBlt() is slow,
not good with line drawings (can lose some lines)
or non integer resizes (ie OK with 1:2 or 2:1 but bad with 1:3.454)

the 'correct' way
Look at MSDNs 'Coordinate Spaces and Transformations'

the 'quick' way
when drawing the axis find a ratio between the number of pixels and max range for that axis. Use this to convert each point, add to an array and draw with PolyLine() or similar.

screen width = 640 pixels
X axis range (max X - min X) = 300
ratio = 2 ( 640/300 )
margin = 20 ( (640%300)/2) )

Don't forget to clear the area first.