Thread: systray app to get IP Address

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    systray app to get IP Address

    I have a need to get the IP address of my PC and put it into the clipboard.

    More specifically I want to put the following into the clipboard:


    where is the IP of my PC.

    I use ssh to connect to unix boxes and need an easy way to set the display variable back to my PC.

    So I came up with this to run in the systray, i would click on the systray icon and it loads my buffer and then i paste it into my ssh window.

    I have the systray icon part figured out. I need help with getting my IP (and not and pasting it and the rest of the text into the clipboard.

    Any advice on obtaining the IP address would be helpfull. I think I can figure out the clipboard part on my own, but tips are appreciated of coarse.

    Thanks in advance.

    Best Regards,


  2. #2
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    Write a simple function or 3 to your program using the winblows socket layer to go out and grab a site like and store the result to a string. Then its a simple matter of breaking the string up, and CHOP CHOP CHOP! Voila, IP. I do alot of download/chopchopchop data-mineing programs, and when i get some time (friday probablly) if you cant figure out how to get the chopping or downloading working right, drop me a line and we can swap sources or something.

    edit: this question is so common, i should just write and post a nice program to display it =P

  3. #3
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    I was thinking alont those same lines. But I was opening a pipe to a system call "ipconfig.exe" and chopping that up.

    Not working yet as the command:

    spawnl( P_WAIT, "C:\\WINNT\\SYSTEM32\\ipconfig.exe","C:\\WINNT\\SYSTEM32\\ipconfig.exe",NULL) )
    does not return the text to my pipe. Instead it opens a window, runs the command and then closes. My attemp to read the pipe just hangs.
    Best Regards,


  4. #4
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    Since your talking to a unix box, why bother with a windows program at all? You can get your IP address on the unix board incredibly simply, so just write a bash script to export the display for you, containing the ip address you have connected to that box from.

  5. #5
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    /me looks for the ShellScripting forum

    /me doesn't find it =P

    Yes, shellscripting can do alot of wonderful things but everybody here would probablly benefit alot more from a C++ program that can grab a webpage and chop it up.

    edit: EVEN BETTER IDEA! LETS WRITE A LuserIPd! It can idle on a few servers around the world on port... umm.... 412 or something, and when it recieves a connection it simply echos back the IP of the initiator of the connection! Im starting a thread for this in the tech forum.
    Last edited by Geolingo; 09-17-2003 at 07:04 PM.

  6. #6
    train spotter
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    from Iphlpapi.h and lib



    older functions are

    gethostbyname() ect
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  7. #7
    mustang benny bennyandthejets's Avatar
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    Why should we have to send a packet all the way around the world just to get our own IP address? Clearly novacain has an easier solution.
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  8. #8
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    Originally posted by _Elixia_
    Since your talking to a unix box, why bother with a windows program at all? You can get your IP address on the unix board incredibly simply, so just write a bash script to export the display for you, containing the ip address you have connected to that box from.
    Not when using ssh. SSH does not update the wtmp file with the connection address. isuing a who -m will not give the IP address. You can see your IP Address in a netstat -a but you will see ALL of the ssh connections and will have no way to distinguish yours from any other.
    Best Regards,


  9. #9
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    Originally posted by novacain
    On WInXP or later

    from Iphlpapi.h and lib



    older functions are

    gethostbyname() ect

    I am trying this, but I get an unresolved external. I am using this new vc++ studio .net and I can't find where to tell it to link in the library.

    Here is my code:
    ULONG bufsize=255;
    	PULONG pOutBufLen=&bufsize;
    	PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES pAdapterAddresses=ipaddr;
    	delete [] ipaddr;
    Anyone know where to tell it what to link at compile time? I know in the older versions there was a screen for that.
    Best Regards,


  10. #10
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    I found the place to add the library. it is well hidden. right clicking on the text of my project name in the solution explorer was the only way I was able to find it.
    Best Regards,


  11. #11
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    I tried GetAdaptersAddresses() with no luck. Not XP. I don't want to have to load the framework on all the PCs.

    I'm trying gethostbyname but I just get nothing in the hostent returned.

    hostent *m_hostinfo;
    When I debug it I get invalig info in the m_hostinfo variable. Am I not using it correctly?
    Best Regards,


  12. #12
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    I have it ALMOST working. The results in the debuger shows

    	sa_family	2	unsigned short
    -	sa_data	0x0031276a ""	char [14]
    	[0]	7 '␇'	char
    	[1]	0	char
    	[2]	-84 '¬'	char
    	[3]	19 '␓'	char
    	[4]	8 '␈'	char
    	[5]	112 'p'	char
    the 19 8 and 112 are correct but the first octet is missing. Do I need to do something special to parse this result?

    BTW here is the code for getting your IP address as I have found it to be:

    WORD wVersionRequested;
    	WSADATA wsaData;
    	int err;
    	wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD( 2, 2 );
    	err = WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsaData );
    	if ( err != 0 ) {
        /* Tell the user that we could not find a usable */
        /* WinSock DLL.                                  */
    	char host[255];
    	char *hostname=&host[0];
    	struct addrinfo *res = NULL;
        int             rc;
    	char port='7';
    	rc = getaddrinfo(hostname,&port,NULL,&res);
        if (rc != 0)
           fprintf(stderr, "Invalid address %s, getaddrinfo failed: %d\n", hostname, rc);
    Best Regards,


  13. #13
    Yes, my avatar is stolen anonytmouse's Avatar
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    You can use gethostbyname(NULL).

    To print out a hostent structure:

    	printf("Resolving host name %s\n", hostname); 
    	hostentry = gethostbyname( hostname ); 
    	if ( !hostentry ) { 
    		printf("Unknown %s, error: %u!\n", hostname, WSAGetLastError()); 
    	printf("Resolving successful\n"); 
    	printf("Official name = %s\n", hostentry->h_name); 
    	printf("Aliases = "); 
    	// print all the alias names of the host 
    	for ( alias = hostentry->h_aliases; *alias; ++alias ) { 
    		printf("%s, ", *alias); 
    	printf("Address type = %u\n", hostentry->h_addrtype); 
    	printf("Address length = %u\n", hostentry->h_length );
    	// Check if the returned address is an IP address: length MUST always be 4 byte
    	if ( hostentry->h_addrtype != AF_INET || hostentry->h_length != 4 ) {
    		printf("No ip addresses for this host!\n");
    	printf("Ip address(es) = "); 
    	for ( p_ipaddr = (ULONG**) hostentry->h_addr_list; *p_ipaddr; ++p_ipaddr ) {
    		struct in_addr inaddr;
    		inaddr.S_un.S_addr = **p_ipaddr;
    		printf("%s ", inet_ntoa( inaddr ) ); 

  14. #14
    Yes, my avatar is stolen anonytmouse's Avatar
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    char port='7';
    rc = getaddrinfo(hostname,&port,NULL,&res);

    [in] Pointer to a null-terminated string containing either a service name or port number.

    You are not passing a proper port string to getaddrinfo.

  15. #15
    Registered User
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    Maybe then that you have an old version of ssh. When I ssh into my shell account here, this is what I get:

    bash-2.05$ who -m!jamesp pts/13 Sep 18 18:30 (

    Originally posted by bonkey
    Not when using ssh. SSH does not update the wtmp file with the connection address. isuing a who -m will not give the IP address. You can see your IP Address in a netstat -a but you will see ALL of the ssh connections and will have no way to distinguish yours from any other.

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