Hey, im trying to u'ze DLL'z in VB (Just an expierement), I wrote a simple "Hello World" DLL in MSVC++, and tried to call a function from it in VB.

I was hopefull! The Message-Box Popped up. I press'd 'OK', then I got a calling-Convention Runtime error... I've tried like everything, I can't seem to tell VB to u'ze the "cdecl" calling convention, and I don't know wut to tell MSVC++ to compile it with to make VB Happy!

Any idea'z???

Thank'z a LOT for Help! ~SPH

P.S. Here i'z my code!

Here i'z the VB Import Code:

Private Declare Function dllMSG Lib "dll.dll" ()

Private Sub Command1_Click()

End Sub
Here i'z the C/C++/ASM Exported Code:

#include <windows.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"{

void __declspec(dllexport) __cdecl dllMSG()
	MessageBox(NULL,"VB and C/C++/ASM MIXED!","WOOHOO!",MB_OK);

#ifdef __cplusplus