Recently, while searching for a tool to automatically rename variables, I came across the technique of refactoring, in particular refactoring browsers (which let you refactor code from within an IDE).

However, I can't seem to actually find a free refactoring browser for C and/or C++. Refactoring C++ seems to be quite difficult, at least compared to Java, which has many refactoring browsers. Martin Fowler's list of refactoring tools which have passed his "refactoring rubicon" has lots of Java tools, but there are only three C/C++ ones: SlickEdit, Ref++, and Xrefactory, none of which seem to be any good. I'll give SlickEdit a try once I have a faster internet connection, but Ref++ doesn't appeal to me because I use Dev-C++ or Code::Blocks if I have to develop under Windows, and Xrefactory is a trial program only (you can run it for 8 days) -- besides, I don't understand Emacs.

So I was wondering what other refactoring browsers for C and C++ are out there, preferably free ones that run under Windows and Linux -- but any information would be nice.