MFC (which isn't that great in my opinion)
This opens up a can of worms for me. Have you tried MFC and gotten deep enough into it to actually make a decision one way or the other? MFC can suck if you use it wrong, but it can save you tons of time if you use it right.

Both MS and Borland have great compilers and I always prefer Borland's to MS. Borland's error messages are so much better and more descriptive and their debugger is as well. However MSVS 2005 is no slouch.

It depends on what you want to do. If it's OpenGL, I believe both can do this. If it's DirectX, Borland will give you some problems. If it's MFC, Borland will give you problems since they cannot directly support it or the interface MS uses to create MFC apps. But OWL is actually a fairly good GUI language and is not that much different from MFC, except that, MFC natively can support COM/ActiveX objects. I'm not sure about OWL as I haven't used it in 5 years.