Quote Originally Posted by Bubba
I'm totally lost on this statement.
If you knew what it did, you would know how to 'make it do what you want it to do.'

That's like saying you know what the accelerator pedal does in a car, but you just wanna know how to get the car to accelerate.

choose a language you've never learned. perl, fortran, kylix, whatever...don't look anything up...now write a short program in it. can't do it can ya? now open a source file of that langauge and tell me you don't have any idea what it's doing.

i have fasm, fasmw, masm, lzasm, and nasm on my computer.

some tutorial examples compile. others don't. the ones that do typically don't compile with any other assembler i have.

one assembler will choke on something like
.data MySeg
and another runs just fine.

all the tutorials i read are x86. i didn't ask what instruction set it was, what if there were different syntax's and, if so, what they are called.