According to it is possible to write a fairly decent server program in 500 lines or maybe even a little under. Having recently given up my AV project that was actually going really well because I had no way of getting a database of virus signatures without hacking Norton or something (hey... there's an idea...) And so I thought I'd modify my efforts a bit and try to write a simple web server.

My brother-and-law and I were playing around a bit with some Mono (new website: bits and pieces the other day, and came across XSP, a simple server for XP. We spent a good couple of hours trying to solve problems but the code is still a little bit to bug-ridden to be of any use for a relative newbie at the subject. It's open source and not available in a stable release yet, so there goes that idea, but does anybody know of another simple but well documented example of a simple web server program?