
I just installed SuSE linux 9.0 today. I have two problems that I know of. I've tried the help files and tried searching for it, but maybe I'm not searching for the right thing...
The first problem, it won't play music from my cd-rom. It accepts my sound card, and even plays noises on start up and shut down, and gives me the little bell when I do something wrong. And when I run the CD player, it acts as if it is playing the track, but no sound comes out. All of the volumes are up too... So I don't know what else to try? Any ideas?

Second problem, I wrote a little "Hello World" program to test out gcc in the console... I ran gcc and it produced an a.out
But when I type a.out it gives me this error
bash: a.out: command not found
I have no idea how to make it work. I am very new to linux and would appreciate any help. If you can't give me the answer directly, I would appreciate any links you can point me to, because I have had trouble finding anything.

Thanks in advance,