Lately I have been having some heating problems with my computer.

I have a MSI K7T Turbo2 motherboard (its nice ), and it came with a program called PC Alert 4 (some of you might have heard of it).

This program is very nice. It tells me my CPU Temp, System temp, voltages, and fan speeds at the current point in time.

Well, for some reason my computer has been having heating problems (not exactly sure of the reason)...but the CPU temp has been getting as hot as 70 C (not good at all).

Well today I noticed this button on the left hand side of PC Alert 4 that said, "Cooler XP", so I clicked the button. A window popped up showing my CPU Temp, and it said, "Cooling".

Within 2 minutes my CPU temp went from 45 C to 26 C.

I was amazed, to say the least. I had NEVER seen my CPU temp this low before. I am still amazed.

So now I have been searching the internet for more information on PC Alert 4 and Cooler XP, but unfortunately I have found very little. MSI, the makers of it, have no information about it, as far as I know, on their website.

I did find a thread on one discussion board about this same program however. One person in the thread said that it basically just ended/cancelled/terminated unneeded processes currently going on in the computer in order to cool it down.

So I was wondering if anyone else has had experience with this program and could shed some light on it. Is the above case how it cools down the computer, or something else? I find it amazing it cooled my computer so much so easily.

It also makes me wonder whether I should have this program constantly running or whether I should only have this program running when I start getting to peak hot temperatures.

What are your thoughts?