Ok, folks, here's the issue. I, the idiot I am, was editing my 'win.com' file and I saved it. I hadn't opened it in binary mode, so much data was lost. Now windows will not boot up. I would simply load my friend's spankin' new 'win.com' file onto my computer through DOS, except that the CD drivers aren't loaded then and my floppy drive doesn't work. So here's my question: is there a way to get the new com file onto my computer? And if not, is there a backup clone located somewhere on my hardrive? I'm on an E-Machines Celeron 433 w/
256MB ram,
CD burner,
standard CD-ROM,
running under Windows98.
I know I could make a bootable CD with the file on it, but I can't without a computer and the kids in my neighborhood aren't much help. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. (To answer your question, I'm on my sister's computer right now)