Do I need a program that, after reading a text file containing 30 lines each, a keyword in Pascal (9 characters) and its corresponding codeword in Algorithm (9 characters), reads a keyword to be translated (entered by the user) and present a menu of options:
P - translate to Pascal;
A - Algorithm and translate into
S - exit the program.
Finally, it shows the keyword typed and its translation, after the choice of option by the user.

1) The words read from the text file Chaves.txt should be stored in an array.

in the text document is:

and e
array arranjo
begin in¡cio
boolean l¢gico
case caso
div quociente
do fa‡a
else senao
end fim
file arquivo
for para
if se
integer inteiro
mod resto
not nao
of de
or ou
program algoritmo
read leia
real real
record registro
repeat repita
round arredonda
string literal
then entao
type tipo
until at‚ que
var declare
while enquanto
write escreva

anyone who can help thank you real