Team name: Stage Zero Technologies

Project name: 3D Network Analysis

Brief description:
It's currently been in production for 2 weeks and we already have a complete working sniffer that can handle 21 different types of packet headers from the well known TCP/UDP to others like gre0/gre1/DNS/Netbios/RDP etc. and is able to parse each. It also can enumerate through 135 different protocols and give information about each. So what makes this project different from other packet sniffers? It's the first one to display all of the data in a 3D environment. There is a strong demand for this type of tool in the industry especially since networking has gone critical over the years. This program will be on a big screen in every Network briefing room and buyers have already came up offering 10's of thousands of dollars for such a tool.

Basically, IP's are shown in 3D with alpha blended lines connecting the IP's that grow thicker as more data flows through them, this will give users the ability to analyze their network at a mere glance, opposed to reading off packets from a list. Protocols are color coded and blended with the lines for a visual representation of protocol flow. Subnets will also be hardcoded and displayed in a bounding box. While the concept seems simple enough for any mediocre graphics programmer, Network Security engineers are begging for such an application and thus, we are targetting the large corporations$$$.

Currently, the 3d graphics engine is capable of showing the IP's in 3D at runtime with support for Windowed and Fullscreen views. A quaternion camera has also been implemented and works with user input. I can email you a demo if you wish.

Target aim: 1-year license with full access to updates and 24/7 support.

The following is for the first release(will do *nix later):
OS: Windows XP/NT
Programming Language: C++/MFC, DirectX
Tools: Visual Studio 2005/2003

Talent needed:
We really really need DirectX/OpenGL Programmers, however, MFC/Win32 Programmers are welcome also.

Team structure:
Jonathan - Programmer
Alaxul - Network Security

Website: In Development..

EMail: [email protected]
AIM: ooochaosooo
MSN: [email protected]

Contact me for full Design Information or a Demo.