Quote Originally Posted by fronty View Post
I agree with Elysia. I have used several IDEs, but they didn't have some useful features or didn't feel natural to use. Visual Studio has all I need (or what I have needed so far) in good package.

I think Windows beats other systems in one thing - development tools. On UNIX and UNIX-like systems I prefer [kz]sh, vi and system's debugger, or if I for some reason need something IDEish or there is some problem with vi, then it's XEmacs.
@Fonty: Just FWIW but I have noted my Windows programming friends feel more at home in Linux when using Visual Slick Edit for Linux. It provides a VS-like experience (at least up to VS Enterprise 6.0) in what they view as a "hostile" environment. I like Emacs (or XEmacs when the original is not available) because it acts pretty much the same on all platforms and I only have to learn one tool. And I know it is just an opinion but I feel the same way about platforms, only with UNIX, that it provides the better dev tools...I am NOT saying this is true of everybody, just that for the kinds of projects I work on the tools are better for *me*. I suppose if I ever get into a situation where 90% of my work is on Windows I might feel differently.....this is not meant to start a flame-war as apparently it did elsewhere where (completely unintended).

At the end of the day we are all products of the paths we have walked in life.
