@Elysia: Even though we do not agree on the preferred IDE (I would rather have my eyeballs put out with a flaming poker than use VS but that is just me) I do agree 100% on the Eclipse IDE. The reason that I occasionally try to give it a go is that I code in a number of different languages on a number of different platforms so the only way an IDE is going to be acceptable to me is if it *smoothly* supports all of my languages on all of my platforms, some of which are just prototypes on silicon. Bad as Eclipse is, it has come the closest...not close enough by any stretch of the imagination but closest. The above requirements are the core reason why a good programmers editor and good knowledge of your toolchain are my preferred environment. I do wish there was an IDE that worked well in all of these scenarios but I have not seen one yet. This thread was a test to see if there was something new in Eclipse that I have missed but at least so far, the answer is "no". Java coders love it I know but for C/C++/Python, well.....