... I am only overloading the assignment op not the whole class basicly I have written some functions to fix some issues you get with lets say send() for all I know send() might send only part of a message and in my case I need to make sure the whole message sends every time. I can send a 1000000 char string probably and it will send() in once function it is also more portable than having these vauge descriptions that whoever desgin this stuff tends to use.

Maybe an example... this first part isn't my code it is some code I have been looking at on the net. For whatever reason it isn't indented - which makes it even worse to read, but ehh.
int myfds[N], maxfd, j;
fd_set readset;
// Initialize the set
maxfd = 0;
for (j=0; j<N; j++) {
FD_SET(myfds[j], &readset);
maxfd = (maxfd>myfds[j])?maxfd:myfds[j];

// Now, check for readability
result = select(maxfd+1, &readset, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (result == -1) {
// Some error...
else {
for (j=0; j<N; j++) {
if (FD_ISSET(myfds[j], &readset)) {
// myfds[j] is readable
Now my code looks simpler:
Lets say I want to make a socket and listen on it for a connection then send a string out when the connection is open.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   ininetwork(); //does my WSAStartup call
   MySocket First;
   First.prep();  //socket() call with params
   if(-1 == First.Bind(PORT)) //PORT is a #define 3490 bind also has my listen code as well
      //error code
   First.Accept();  //waits for a connection
   First.Send("This is a string");
   First.ShutdownAll();   //WSACleanup()
I would much rather prep bind accept send/recv close shutdown.

Than make data types that are vauge and some might be outdated or not or yes or who knows copy and paste code over and over that should be in a function - which to me if it is possible use a class thats what C++'s main strength tends to be. I mean I don't need to remember that params 4 and 5 are null in some call. To connect I pass an IP and a Port and I am good SOCK_STREAM and tcp-ip the normal stuff is ready for me.