Ok my program works, only problem is i am unsure of the stat command

say from the linux terminal
stat -l txtfile

it would display lots of info about that file, such as its permissions something like -rw-r--r--

How can you do this with the stat function, i think its something to do with either .st_mode or st_dev
does anyone know, i searched the net and can't find anything, other than the same repeted cat description from linux. can anyone help me its doing my head.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

#define BUFFER 30

int status;

struct stat statinfo;

int main ( ) {
    char buff[BUFFER];
		printf("Enter a Filename\n");
    while ( fgets(buff,BUFFER,stdin) != NULL ) 
      char *nl = strchr( buff, '\n' );
      if ( buff[0] == '\n' ) 
			  break;   /* blank line entered */
			if ( nl != NULL ) 
			  *nl = '\0';   /* remove the end of line */
			status = stat( buff, &statinfo );
			if ( status == 0 )
			  printf("File: '%s' \n", buff);
				printf("Size: %d bytes\n", statinfo.st_size);
				printf("%o\n", statinfo.st_dev)ge;
				printf("System Permission: %m\n", statinfo.st_mode);
				printf("Inode:%d  Links %d\n",statinfo.st_ino,statinfo.st_nlink);
	 			printf("User ID %u\n", statinfo.st_uid);
				printf("Group ID %u\n", statinfo.st_gid);
				printf("Last Accessed %s",ctime(&statinfo.st_atime));
				printf("Last changed %s", ctime(&statinfo.st_ctime));
				printf("Last Modified: %s", ctime(&statinfo.st_mtime));
        perror( "Failed to stat" );
		  printf("Enter a Filename\n");			        
		printf("Program terminated\n");
    return 0;