Thread: lex yacc programming error when compiling both to run together

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    lex yacc programming error when compiling both to run together

    Hello i have been coding with afew class mates a certain codes that is supposed to compile lex and yacc both and then run them together but we get a bunch of errors can someone help us see whats wrong?

    %option yylineno
        #include <stdlib.h>
        #include <string.h>
        void yyerror(const char *);
    low \_
    identifier {letters}{digit}*{low}{letters}|{letters}
    stringERR {doubleQuotes}{doubleQuotes}+|{doubleQuotes}
    charERR {singleQuotes}+{digits}*{letters}*{singleQuotes}+
    ERR {charERR}|{stringERR}
    type boolean|string|char|integer|intptr|charptr|var
    dbland "&&"
    devide "/"
    assign "="
    equal "=="
    greater ">"
    lesser "<"
    greaterequal ">="
    lesserequal "<="
    minus "-"
    plus "+"
    not "!"
    notequal "!="
    or "||"
    multiply "*"
    power "^"
    AND "&"
    literBool true|false
    letter [a-z]|[A-Z]
    letters {letter}+
    singleQuotes '
    literChar {singleQuotes}{letter}{singleQuotes}
    digit [0-9]
    digitZero 0
    octalDigit [1-7]
    octal {digitZero}{octalDigit}{digitZero}*{octalDigit}*
    digits {digit}+
    decimal {digit}|{digitNoZero}{digits}
    hexLetter A|B|C|D|E|F
    hex 0(x|X){digit}+{hexLetter}*|0(x|X){digit}*{hexLetter}+
    letterB b
    digitOne 1
    binaryInt ({digitZero}|{digitOne})+{letterB}
    integer {binaryInt}|{hex}|{octal}|{decimal}
    doubleQuotes "
    ltrlString {doubleQuotes}{letters}*{decimal}*{hex}*{octal}*{binaryInt}*{dbland}*{devide}*{assign}*{equal}*{greater}*{lesser}*{greaterequal}*{lesserequal}*{minus}*{plus}*{not}*{notequal}*{or}*{multiply}*{AND}*{power}*{doubleQuotes}
    comment {backslash}{parcent}{space}*({letters}*{space}*{identifier}*{space}*{decimal}*{space}*{hex}*{space}*{octal}*{space}*{binaryInt}*{space}*{dbland}*{devide}*{assign}*{equal}*{greater}*{lesser}*{greaterequal}*{lesserequal}*{minus}*{p$us}*{plus}*{not}*{notequal}*{or}*{multiply}*{AND}*{power}*{ltrlString}*)*{space}{parcent}{backslash}
    colon ":"
    openSq "["
    closeSq "]"
    semicolon ";"
    parcent "%"
    space " "
    comma ","
    backslash "/"
    clos ")"
    opn "("
    charptr charptr
    pointer {colon}{space}{charptr}|"="{space}"&"{identifier}
    pointerErr "&"{identifier}|{charptr}
    ELSE "else"{space}*
    statif "if"{space}*
    whileLoop "while"{space}*
    returnState "return"{space}*
    func "procedure"{space}*
    {dbland} return dbland;
    {devide} return devide;
    {assign} return assign;
    {equal} return equal;
    {greater} return greater;
    {greaterequal} return greaterequal;
    {lesserequal} return lesserequal;
    {minus} return minus;
    {plus} return plus;
    {not} return not;
    {notequal} return notequal;
    {or} return or;
    {multiply} return multiply;
    {power} return power;
    {AND} return AND;
    {literBool} return literBool;
    {literChar} return literChar;
    {decimal} return decimal;
    {hex} return hex;
    {octal} return octal;
    {binaryInt} return binaryInt;
    {ltrlString} return ltrlString
    {type} return type;
    {identifier} return identifier;
    {ERR} return ERR;
    {comment} return comment;
    {pointer} return pointer;
    {pointerErr} return pointerErr;
    {statif} return statif;
    {ELSE} return ELSE;
    {whileLoop} return whileLoop;
    {returnState} return returnState;
    {func} return func;
    {semicolon} return semicolon;
    {comma} return comma;
    [\*\(\)\.\+\-\%]  { return *yytext; }
    [0-9][0-9]*         { return 'n'; }
    [ \t\n]             ; /* skip whitespace */
    int yywrap(void) {
        return 1;
    %token low identifier stringERR charERR ERR type operator literBool letter
    %token dbland literChar decimal hex octal integer
    %token binaryInt ltrString comment pointer pointerErr
    %token statif ELSE whileLoop returnState func comma semicolon
    %left equal greater notequal lesser greaterequal lesserequal
    %left '|' %left '&' %left SHIFT /* << >> */
    %left minus plus
    %left multiply devide '%' MOD %left power
    %left not or AND comma
    %nonassoc UMINUS
    s: BLOCK;
    BLOCK: expr|logicOp|varible_declaration|ifExp|whileExp|procExp|semicolon;
    expr: exp{printtree($1);}
              identifier                   {$$=mknode(yytext,NULL,NULL);}
              | LPAREN expr RPAREN      {$$=$2;}
              | exp plus exp          {$$= mknode("+" $1,$3);}
              | exp minus exp         {$$= mknode("-" $1, $3);}
              | exp multiply exp      {$$=mknode("*" $1, $3);}
              | exp devide exp        {$$=mknode("/" $1, $3);}
              | "-" exp %prec UMINUS                   {-$2}
    varible_declaration: var{printtree($1);}
                         var : "VAR" identifier_list ":" typet ";" {$$ = mknode("var", $2, $4);}
                               integer{$$ = mknode(yytext,NULL,NULL);}
                               |binaryInt {$$ = mknode(yytext,NULL,NULL);}
                               |type {$$ = mknode(yytext,NULL,NULL);}
    identifier_list: identifier_list comma identifier_list
                     {$$= mknode(",",$1, $3);}
                     |identifier {$$ = mknode(yytext,NULL,NULL);}
    logicOp: op{printtree($1);}
              op:exp equal exp {$$ = mknode("==",$1,$3);}
                |exp notequal exp {$$ = mknode("!=",$1,$3);}
                |exp or exp {$$ = mknode("||",$1,$3);}
                |exp AND exp {$$ = mknode("&&",$1,$3);}
                |exp greater exp {$$ = mknode(">",$1,$3);}
                |exp greaterequal exp {$$ = mknode(">=",$1,$3);}
                |exp lesser exp {$$ = mknode("<",$1,$3);}
                |exp lesserequal exp {$$ = mknode("<=",$1,$3);}
    ifExp: if{printtree($1);}
          if:statif '(' logicOp ')' '{' BLOCK '}' ELSE '{' BLOCK '}' {$$ = mknode("if",$3,mknode("else",$6,$10));}
            |statif '(' logicOp ')' '{' BLOCK '}' {$$=mknode("if",$3,$6);}
    whileExp: while{printtree($1)}
            while:whileLoop '(' logicOp ')' '{' BLOCK '}' {$$=mknode("while",$3,$6);}
    procExp: proc{printtree($1)}
            proc:func identifier '(' identifier_list ')' returnState type '{' BLOCK '}' {$$ = mknode("procedure",$2,"TODO");}
        #include <stdio.h>
        #include <stdlib.h>
        #include <string.h>
        #define YYDEBUG 1
        int yylex(void);
        void yyerror(const char *);
        tyepdef struct node{char * token;
        struct node *left;
        struct  node *right;
        node * mknode(char * token , node * left,node * right);
        void printtree(node * tree);
    #define yySType struct node *
    #include "lex.yy.c"
    {       return yyparse();       }
    nose * mknode(char * token,node * left, node * right)
            node * newnode = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
            char 8 newstr = (char*)malloc(sizeof(token)+1);
    }return newnode;
    void printtree(node * tree)
            if (tree->left) printtree(tree->left);
            if (tree->right) printtree(tree->left);
    extern int yylineno;
    void yyerror(const char *s)
        fprintf(stderr, "%s at line %d\n", s, yylineno);
    ERRORS : 
    test.y:60: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘%’ token
    test.y:64:1: warning: "YYDEBUG" redefined warning: this is the location of the previous definition
    In file included from test.y:75:
    lex.yy.c:157: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘*’ token
    lex.yy.c:203: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before ‘FILE’
    lex.yy.c:299: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘*’ token
    lex.yy.c:301: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘*’ token
    lex.yy.c:309: error: expected declaration specifiers or ‘...’ before ‘FILE’
    lex.yy.c:349: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘*’ token
    In file included from test.y:75:
    lex.yy.c:951: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘*’ token
    lex.yy.c:953: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘*’ token
    lex.yy.c:955: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘*’ token
    lex.yy.c:957: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘*’ token
    In file included from test.y:75:
    lex.yy.c: In function ‘yylex’:
    lex.yy.c:1117: error: ‘yyin’ undeclared (first use in this function)
    lex.yy.c:1117: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
    lex.yy.c:1117: error: for each function it appears in.)
    lex.yy.c:1118: error: ‘stdin’ undeclared (first use in this function)
    lex.yy.c:1120: error: ‘yyout’ undeclared (first use in this function)
    lex.yy.c:1121: error: ‘stdout’ undeclared (first use in this function)
    In file included from test.y:75:
    test.l:74: error: ‘assign’ undeclared (first use in this function)
    In file included from test.y:75:
    test.l:94: error: ‘ltrlString’ undeclared (first use in this function)
    test.l:95: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘break’
    In file included from test.y:75:
    test.l:111: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘fwrite’
    In file included from test.y:75:
    lex.yy.c:1411: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_buffer_status’
    lex.yy.c:1422: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_n_chars’
    lex.yy.c:1423: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_input_file’
    lex.yy.c:1424: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_buffer_status’
    lex.yy.c:1434: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c:1513: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c: In function ‘yy_get_next_buffer’:
    lex.yy.c:1540: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c:1545: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c:1549: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_fill_buffer’
    lex.yy.c:1576: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_buffer_status’
    lex.yy.c:1580: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_n_chars’
    lex.yy.c:1585: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_buf_size’
    lex.yy.c:1594: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c:1596: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_is_our_buffer’
    lex.yy.c:1598: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_buf_size’
    lex.yy.c:1601: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_buf_size’
    lex.yy.c:1601: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_buf_size’
    lex.yy.c:1603: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_buf_size’
    lex.yy.c:1605: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c:1607: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c:1607: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_buf_size’
    lex.yy.c:1611: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c:1613: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c:1617: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c:1619: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_buf_size’
    lex.yy.c:1628: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_is_interactive’
    lex.yy.c:1628: error: ‘yyin’ undeclared (first use in this function)
    lex.yy.c:1628: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c:1628: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c:1628: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c:1631: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_n_chars’
    lex.yy.c:1645: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_buffer_status’
    lex.yy.c:1653: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_buf_size’
    lex.yy.c:1656: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c:1656: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c:1657: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c:1662: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c:1663: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c:1665: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c: In function ‘yyunput’:
    lex.yy.c:1736: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c:1740: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c:1741: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_buf_size’
    lex.yy.c:1743: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c:1745: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c:1750: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_n_chars’
    lex.yy.c:1751: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_buf_size’
    lex.yy.c:1753: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c: In function ‘input’:
    lex.yy.c:1786: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c:1809: error: ‘yyin’ undeclared (first use in this function)
    lex.yy.c: At top level:
    lex.yy.c:1852: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘*’ token
    lex.yy.c: In function ‘yy_switch_to_buffer’:
    lex.yy.c:1885: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_buf_pos’
    lex.yy.c:1886: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_n_chars’
    lex.yy.c: In function ‘yy_load_buffer_state’:
    lex.yy.c:1902: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_n_chars’
    lex.yy.c:1903: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_buf_pos’
    lex.yy.c:1904: error: ‘yyin’ undeclared (first use in this function)
    lex.yy.c:1904: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_input_file’
    lex.yy.c: At top level:
    lex.yy.c:1914: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘*’ token
    lex.yy.c: In function ‘yy_delete_buffer’:
    lex.yy.c:1951: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_is_our_buffer’
    lex.yy.c:1952: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c: At top level:
    lex.yy.c:1965: error: expected declaration specifiers or ‘...’ before ‘FILE’
    lex.yy.c: In function ‘yy_init_buffer’:
    lex.yy.c:1972: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_input_file’
    lex.yy.c:1972: error: ‘file’ undeclared (first use in this function)
    lex.yy.c:1973: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_fill_buffer’
    lex.yy.c:1980: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_bs_lineno’
    lex.yy.c:1981: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_bs_column’
    lex.yy.c:1984: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_is_interactive’
    lex.yy.c: In function ‘yy_flush_buffer’:
    lex.yy.c:1998: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_n_chars’
    lex.yy.c:2004: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c:2005: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c:2007: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_buf_pos’
    lex.yy.c:2007: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c:2009: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_at_bol’
    lex.yy.c:2010: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_buffer_status’
    lex.yy.c: In function ‘yypush_buffer_state’:
    lex.yy.c:2034: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_buf_pos’
    lex.yy.c:2035: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_n_chars’
    lex.yy.c: In function ‘yy_scan_buffer’:
    lex.yy.c:2134: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_buf_size’
    lex.yy.c:2135: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_buf_pos’
    lex.yy.c:2135: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_ch_buf’
    lex.yy.c:2136: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_is_our_buffer’
    lex.yy.c:2137: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_input_file’
    lex.yy.c:2138: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_n_chars’
    lex.yy.c:2138: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_buf_size’
    lex.yy.c:2139: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_is_interactive’
    lex.yy.c:2140: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_at_bol’
    lex.yy.c:2141: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_fill_buffer’
    lex.yy.c:2142: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_buffer_status’
    lex.yy.c: In function ‘yy_scan_bytes’:
    lex.yy.c:2195: error: ‘struct yy_buffer_state’ has no member named ‘yy_is_our_buffer’
    lex.yy.c: In function ‘yy_fatal_error’:
    lex.yy.c:2206: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘fprintf’
    lex.yy.c:2206: error: ‘stderr’ undeclared (first use in this function)
    lex.yy.c: At top level:
    lex.yy.c:2241: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘*’ token
    lex.yy.c:2249: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘*’ token
    lex.yy.c:2287: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘*’ token
    lex.yy.c:2292: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘*’ token
    lex.yy.c: In function ‘yy_init_globals’:
    lex.yy.c:2328: error: ‘yyin’ undeclared (first use in this function)
    lex.yy.c:2328: error: ‘FILE’ undeclared (first use in this function)
    lex.yy.c:2328: error: expected expression before ‘)’ token
    lex.yy.c:2329: error: ‘yyout’ undeclared (first use in this function)
    lex.yy.c:2329: error: expected expression before ‘)’ token
    test.y: At top level:
    test.y:78: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘*’ token
    test.y:86: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘return’
    test.y:87: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘*’ token
    test.y: In function ‘yyerror’:
    test.y:96: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘fprintf’
    test.y:96: error: ‘stderr’ undeclared (first use in this function) In function ‘yyparse’: error: ‘yyname’ undeclared (first use in this function) warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘printf’ warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘printf’ warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘printf’ warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘printf’ warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘printf’ warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘printf’ error: ‘yyrule’ undeclared (first use in this function)
    test.y:20: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘yyvsp’
    test.y:21: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘yyvsp’
    test.y:22: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘yyvsp’
    test.y:23: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘yyvsp’
    test.y:24: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘}’ token
    test.y:53: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘}’ token
    test.y:55: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘}’ token
    Last edited by Salem; 12-24-2016 at 06:14 PM. Reason: demungled colour and font abuse

  2. #2
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The edge of the known universe
    Your LEX: and YACC: tags do nothing to tell us the names of respective files.
    As a result, the line numbers in the error messages don't seem to line up with anything particularly pertinent.

    A development process
    My suggestion is you start again with a minimal file and add data to it in small increments - compile and test often should be your mantra.

    If you've only added 5 lines and a new and confusing error message appears, you've got a damn good idea that it's something to do with the most recent small change. This gives you a clear starting point to figure out what happened.

    Because writing 100's of lines of code, finding yourself completely lost in a sea of error messages and then dumping the whole lot on a forum is not a long term strategy for success.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

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