I have a large project that takes approximately 20 minutes to build, and I'm always looking for ways to improve that. Even with a parallel build, on a machine with 16 cores, it's about 20 minutes to do a clean and build. I'm looking for a way to expand that parallel build across multiple machines, so that, when I run make, it does some sort of magic, and sends the source file to the other machine, runs the compile step, and copies the .o file back to the local machine when finished, while also displaying the output of the remote compilation on the local terminal. I've looked for solutions to this, and I'm coming up pretty short. Does anyone know of an existing, open-source solution that will allow me to do this? The build needs to be controlled from a single instance of make, on the local machine. It doesn't make sense to just do the same build across multiple machines, which is the closest answer I've found to my problem. I want some files to be built on one node, while others are built on a different node, and then all linked on the local machine. Even if I have to check out the repository on each node, I'm ok with that.