Hello, I am working with robotics (Koala from K-Team if it matters) and i'm trying to compile some code. The robot has arm linux on it. I am trying to use some low level calls but when I try to compile make returns with no rule to make target. I'm still adapting to using linux and make. Now, my directory structure is setup like so, my code and makefile are in the folder and then there is an additional folder where all the robot specific files are. I had another makefile to use as a guide but it was just a basic makefile, so I have been modifying it trying to get it to work but still no luck. I tried changing the paths to the folder i mentioned in my directory with my src but that still did not work. My dependency files are already compiled from a previous date and they are not going to be modified in the future. My makefile is below.

all: ks knet_rs232.o knet.o koala.o

# Got to use the right tools
CC              = arm-linux-gcc
LD              = arm-linux-ld
AR              = arm-linux-ar
AS              = arm-linux-as

KOREBOT_DIR	= /share/robots/libkorebot-1.11/build-korebot/lib/
KOREBOT_LIB	= korebot-1.11
KOREBOT_INC	= /share/robots/libkorebot-1.11/build-korebot/include/

export PATH=/share/robots/korebot-tools-2.1/bin:$PATH

# Start the rules 

ks: KoalaT.c knet_rs232.o knet.o koala.o
	$(CC) KoalaT.c knet.o koala.o knet_rs232.o -o KoalaT -I$(KOREBOT_INC) -L$(KOREBOT_DIR) -l$(KOREBOT_LIB) -lm

knet_rs232.o: knet_rs232.c knet_rs232.h
	$(CC) -o knet_rs232.c -I$(KOREBOT_INC) -L$(KOREBOT_DIR) -l$(KOREBOT_LIB)

knet.o: knet.c knet.h

koala.o: koala.c koala.h
	$(CC) -o koala.c -I$(KOREBOT_INC) -L$(KOREBOT_DIR) -l$(KOREBOT_LIB)
Here is my output:
make: Warning: File `Makefile' has modification time 13 s in the future
make: *** No rule to make target `knet_rs232.c', needed by `knet_rs232.o'. Stop.

Can someone lead me in the right direction?

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