So... this is a really dumb question considering my next project in mind is to write my own shell.. but I'm way new to Linux in general still, so bear with me.

I work mainly in Java and Flex, so I've been wanting to set up the respective SDK's for a while. Java's working great - I've installed Sun's JDK 1.6 and it's working perfectly (incidentally - the default SDK that ships with Ubuntu is apparently the biggest problem with running the Flex3 SDK - but it's been replaced, so we're good on that.

I downloaded the Flex3 SDK from Adobe and it's awfully curious... It claims it's the same zip file for all platforms... I've installed it several times on Windows- you just unzip and it's ready to go. mxmlc.exe is in the /bin folder, so is mxmlc - which appears to be a UNIX script (I'm quick, huh!)

I was trying to set my PATH variable to that folder and it didn't seem to be working, but sure enough - it was in my path variable! The problem is - I go to the folder itself - but typing 'mxmlc' just tells me that the command is not recognized. I've checked the file's permissions, and it is indeed marked 'executable'.

So what gives? Can anybody tell? The file is posted below. There's a lot of stuff listed online for installing the Flex SDK on Linux - but it seems that everybody has OTHER problems...

I'm using Kubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron)


##  Copyright 2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated
##  All Rights Reserved.
##  NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file
##  in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it.

# mxmlc launch script for unix.  On windows, mxmlc.exe is used and
# java settings are managed in jvm.config in this directory.

case `uname` in

if [ $OS = "Windows" ]; then
	# set FLEX_HOME relative to mxmlc if not set
	test "$FLEX_HOME" = "" && {
	FLEX_HOME=`dirname $0`/..
    	FLEX_HOME=`cygpath -m $FLEX_HOME`

elif [ $OS = "Unix" ]; then

	# set FLEX_HOME relative to mxmlc if not set
	test "$FLEX_HOME" = "" && {
	FLEX_HOME=`dirname "$0"`/..


# don't use $FLEX_HOME in this variable because it may contain spaces,
# instead put it on the java args directly, with double-quotes around it

java $VMARGS -jar "$FLEX_HOME/lib/mxmlc.jar" +flexlib="$FLEX_HOME/frameworks" "$@"