Hi Guys!

A little while back I made a thread regarding Princess Daisy
not being in her own video game. Well, After giving it a lot of
thought, several people I work with and myself are going to
attempt to create one of our own. We have the general idea
and story written down on paper and decided on using Lua to
handle the event script. The base code will probably be C with
Allegro as the main gaming library.

I wanted to know if you can help clear up these things:

1. If it is personal use game and never released retail
are we breaking any copyright laws from Nintendo by using
her character image and samples from the Mario universe?

2. We pondered over if C is the "right" language - but considering
we are using Allegro as the GL it seemed to fit. Can you see any
benefits of using C++ or perhaps C#/Unity for an easier ride?

3. It's probably going to take a long time to create - as bits and
peices will be done when we can get together as a team etc - is
the time to develop going to run into any hardware issues with
technology platforms etc?

The most important one is obviously the copyright one - if what
we are planning is indeed a fringe - then it needs to be stopped
before it begins. I have looked online and cannot find any
official statement by Nintendo themselves. A few people have made
Mario clone games however.

Any help greatly received!

Ada x